Thursday, November 24, 2011


Lots of those who claim that smoking can harm health, of course supported by intensive research with maximum results.
But below I will write some positive effects of nicotine (sorry I've forgotten the source):

1. Smoking Reduces Risk of Parkinson's
Considerable evidence suggests that smoking against Parkinson's disease. A recent study adds strong evidence that reported previously that smoking can protect people from Parkinson's disease. In particular, new research shows a temporal relationship between smoking and reduced risk of Parkinson's disease. That is, the protective effect against Parkinson decreases after smokers stop smoking.

2. Smokers are more powerful and faster recovery from heart attacks and strokes
Another major study showing the benefits of smoking, the benefits of restenosis or narrowing of blood vessels that cause the blood flow becomes restricted, such as blood vessels to the heart (cardiovascular disease) or to the brain (stroke) Smokers have a better chance of survival and a longer recovery fast.

3. Smoking reduces the risk of gum disease is severe shrinkage
It used to be mentioned that tobacco is the root of all problems of the teeth and mouth disease. Whereas one study suggests that smokers actually had a lower risk of gum disease.

4. Smoking prevent asthma and other allergic diseases
A study of two generations of Swedish residents demonstrated in the analysis of multiple variations, some children of mothers who smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day tended to have lower odds for suffering from allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, allergic asthma, atopic eczema and food allergy, compared with children children of mothers who never smoked. The children of fathers who smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day had the same tendency.

5. Nicotine kills germs that cause tuberculosis (TB)
Nicotine may one day be an alternative that surprising as the hard-TB drug treatment, says a researcher from the University of Central Florida (UCF). These compounds stop the growth of TB germs in a laboratory test, even when used in small quantities only, said Saleh Naser, an associate professor of microbiology and molecular biology at UCF. Most scientists agree that nicotine is a substance that causes people to become addicted to cigarettes.

6. Smoking is a rare skin cancer prevention
A researcher at the National Cancer Institute found that smoking can prevent the development of skin cancer that afflicts mainly the elderly in the Mediterranean region of Southern Italy, Greece and Israel.

7. Smoking reduces the risk of breast cancer
A new study in the journal of the National Cancer Institute (May 20, 1998) reported that a specific gene mutation carriers (who tend as a carrier of breast cancer), who smoked for more than 4 pack years (ie, the number of packs per day multiplied by the number of years of smoking duration ) was statistically significantly decreased by 54 percent in breast cancer incidence when compared with carriers who never smoked. One of the strengths of this study is that the reduction in the incidence of exceeding the threshold of 50 percent.

8. Nitric Oxide in reducing nicotine colitis
Nicotine reduces circular muscle activity, particularly through the release of nitric oxide, in the case of ulcerative colitis (UC) or intestinal inflammation. These findings may explain some of the therapeutic benefits of nicotine (and smoking) to the UC and could explain the dysfunction of colonic propulsion in active disease.

9. Effects of transdermal nicotine on cognitive performance (thinking) people with Down Syndrome
A study on the effects of nicotine-agonist stimulation with 5 mg of skin tissue implants, compared with placebo (drug control), on cognitive performance in five adults with the disorder. Improvements possibly related to attention and information processing seen in Down syndrome patients compared with healthy controls.
Down syndrome is a disease caused by abnormalities in chromosome 21 at band Q22 SLC5A3 gene, which can be recognized by looking at a fairly typical clinical manifestations. Disorder which affects the physical growth and mental retardation of children was first recognized in 1866 by Dr. John Longdon Down.

10. Smoking is good for pregnant women to prevent hypertension in pregnancy and maternal-child transmission of Helicobacter pylori infection

Everything is up to you to choose to smoke or not.
But for those of you who already smoke, there are some simple tricks to reduce nicotine in your body:
1. Expand to eat vegetables.
2. Drinking pure milk (fresh milk)
3. Consumption of white soda
4. Eat fruits that contain antioxidants such as grapes, tomatoes, strawberries and others.
5. of course, quit smoking or at least reduce smoking

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to win Pachinko

Simple tricks to win pachinko :

First, you must know what it is pachinko
The look of Pachinko machine is just like a pin ball machine without the flipper. We enjoy hitting metal balls called Pachinko Dama. There are many types in Pachinko machine. Basically, it is a game of how many Pachinko Dama you can increase by using the it. That is a turning point whether you win the game or not.
Second, you must know the amount of the prize
Any winnings obtained in a pachinko hall have to be exchanged for prizes. After counting your payout balls using an exchanger, the hall staff will issue you an exchange receipt containing the physical amount of your winnings. Make sure that you hold on to this receipt, as it represents the sole proof of your winnings.
After receiving your exchange receipt, bring it to the exchange counter located within the hall. There, you can receive a series of prizes that correspond to the amount of winnings indicated on your receipt. Please note that it is advisable to exchange your receipt for prizes prior to exiting the premises, as exchange receipts are only valid on their day of issue.
Third, you should feel secure (sure that you are in a right place)
Go to the Pachinko hall ! There are two types of machine there. One is Pachinko, and the other is Pachislot.Players pay and borrow metal balls or coins. If you win the bonus, balls or coins will increase.
Fourth, make sure that this game will not interfere with your finances
Fifth, know that kind of pachinko game will make you destroyed
Sixth, play with full responsibility
Seventh, if you want to make a sports betting or lottery

you will not benefit from such a pachinko game or dice


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Simple trick to fresh your life

Fresh your life with basil.

Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. because growth of shrubs, grouped in groups of bush

In India and parts of Africa, infusion "of basil tea" is commonly steeping tea leaves served replace the original. Drinks are usually presented at the change of seasons, when the susceptible coughs, colds, or fevers.
Unlike in Europe, where basil is refined and taken the oil. Essential oils of basil are widely used as a compound manufacture of drugs or for treatments such as soap, prickly perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also aromatherapy oils.
According to the "List of Food Composition" Directorate Nutrition Department Health, including basil-rich vegetable provitamin A. Each 100 g 5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil including vegetables that contain lots of minerals calcium and phosphorus, as many as 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.
If we encounter problems with body odor, bad breath,or milk jam, can be overcome by familiarizing yourself
eating salad.fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been mashed together beluntas leaves and turmeric leaf. In the book "A Dictionary of Practical Medical Materials ", John Henry M. mentions, basil leaf extract efficacious cure diarrhea, breast tenderness, stone kidney, disorders of the vagina, and can also overcome albuminaria, namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.
According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Purdue University,
USA, basil proven to cure headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment with basil leaves,which can cope with heartburn, flatulence,
colds, seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can be rejected mosquito bites.
Since time immemorial, basil oil is distilled to extract taken. John Henry classify as essential oils of
basil oil high. That is, the scent of basil soon disappear after 24 hours applied to body. For comparison, the
category of essential oils are, will be lost smeared flavor after 3 days, whereas the category of  essential oils
low, the aroma is lost after a week. Essential oils of basil can be used for aroma therapy massage for basil essential oils can relieve and refresh the body. However, Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it feared could cause a miscarriage.
In addition, basil oil merit overcome digestive disorders such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, stomach ulcers, as well as gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever, nasal pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, nervous weakness, insomnia).
For men, there are also benefits of basil. Compounds 1-8 sineol in basil can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona apigenin and eugenol was able to facilitate the erection. While the substance arginine contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of sperm and prevent infertility.
As for women, including healthy eating basil very useful. Basil anetol and boron-rich compounds that stimulate hormone estrogen, whereas eugenolnya compound can kill the fungi that cause whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation egg (ovulation), tannin, and tin reduce the secretion of vaginal fluids. Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable usual, so do not underestimate the basil.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Simple Trick to love your life

Savor the Magic Leaf  "Binahong"

Binahong leaf plant species are highly efficacious for the cure of several diseases. Some leaves are chewed or cooked until soft with a glass of water and drink along with the waste, or more easily in juice or blended.
These plants grow vines. Often used as gendola or circular arch over the garden path. Some are named binahong and from Korea.
However, these plants have long existed in Indonesia and called gendola (Basella rubra Linn.)
In addition to enhancing the vitality of man, binahong can heal the wound in and out like after surgery, typhoid, ulcers, colitis, and hemorrhoids. Can also cope with the swelling and blood clots, restoring the condition of weak after the illness, arthritis, bruising hit, uric acid and prevent stroke.

The properties of the leaves as follows:

A. Severe disease categories:

     * Coughing / vomiting blood: 10 leaves taken daily
     * Lung / holes: 10 leaves taken daily
     * Diabetes: 11 leaves taken daily
     * Shortness of breath: 7 pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Acute Ulcerative (chronic): 12 leaves taken daily
     * Fractures: 10-20 lb of leaves taken daily
     * Blood Low: 8 pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Inflammation of the kidney: 7 pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Itching / skin eczema: 10-15 lb of leaves taken daily
     * Mild concussion / weight: 10 leaves taken daily.

B. Mild Disease Categories

     * Dysentery / defecate: 10 leaves taken daily
     * Hemorrhoid bleeding : 16 leaves taken daily
     * Nose bleeding: four pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Out of surgical / operation: 20 leaves taken daily
     * Burns: 10 leaves taken daily
     * Accident / sharps: 10 leaves taken daily
     * Acne: 8 pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Intestinal swelling: 3 leaves taken daily
     * Bleeding gums: four pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Lack of appetite: 5 pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Smoothness period: three leaves taken daily
     * Out of the maternity / childbirth: 7 pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Maintaining stamina: a leaf taken daily
     * Heating loss: five pieces of leaves taken daily
     * Weak lust: 30-10 lb leaf drink every day.

(taken from

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

simple trick to heal CANCER

Cancer is the second deadly disease in the world (around 13%), there may be several surveys that prove the cancer is the most prolific killer.
two of cancer treatments are : Surgery (to remove the tumor and cancer cells) and Chemotherapy (drugs to kill cancer cells). Drugs used in chemotherapy are included in the substances most toxic chemicals used by the medical world, these drugs kill cancer cells and healthy cells, resulting in a feeling of severe nausea, vomiting, hair loss and reduced red blood cell, these symptoms are all making the patient increasingly suffered from the loss of appetite, weight loss and energy, the emergence of depression and even some patients stop following the treatment and choose death.
In addition to the frightening effects of treatment, the costs also are likely to count (must be very expensive).
There is a much cheaper alternative, but perhaps a bit difficult.
Marijuana (cannabis) is the answer.
Manuel Guzman According to research published in the Cancer, the Journal of Nature Review in 2003 stated that in experiments i n v i v o (in mice) and i n v i t r o (outside the organism), c a n n a b i n o i d compounds have the effect of inhibiting the growth of tumor cells and even kill it with trigger a p o p t o s i s (cell suicide) in tumor cells of lung, g l i o m a tumors, tumors in the thyroid, lymphoma, skin, uterus, breast, prostate and n e u r o b l a s t o m a. In another study, THC substance in marijuana also proven to trigger a p o p t o s i s (cell destruction) that selectively only in the cells of blood cancer (leukemia) within 6 hours after administration in experiments i n v i t r o (outside the body), compound THC does this by how certain genes affect the MKP3 gene, which helps stop the communication process in cells associated with the defense system of tumor cells.
In simpler language, marijuana weakens the defense cells of this tumor to the human immune system.
In an interview with New Scientist in 2004, a team of scientists headed by Manuel Guzman of Complutense University, Spain has found another aspect of the usefulness of marijuana in the fight against cancer. Extracts of marijuana has proven they can inhibit certain chemicals that any 'by tumors to grow and spread the blood vessels, a process called a n g i o g e n e s i s. According to Christina Blazquez, one of the scientists involved in this research, "c a n n a b i n o i d inhibit angiogenesis response, if the tumor does not do angiogenesis, it will not grow, if on one side can be inhibited angiogenesis and on the other side of the tumor cells can be killed, then you get a therapy for cancer. " Regarding this research, Richard Sullivan of Cancer Research in England berkometar, "This research is an important compound for anti-cancer drug that has the goal of blood supply to the growth of cancer cells."
(taken from

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Simple tricks to save the world.

You do not have to be a superman or a millionaire to save the world, just planting one tree and treated well until you are older.
It's not just about saving the world, but you also save money.
Estate investment and agriculture may seem odd and strange and prospects are less promising, but if you do then you have to save the world.
The logic is like this, you spend a dollar to buy seed and tree planting. A few years later when a tree branch is for your body (perhaps 100 times the price of your purchase price), sell!
Then buy another two seed tree ... grown again.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) estimates, global warming in the Asia Pacific region could cause sea levels rising to 16 cm by 2030 and by 2070 sea levels could rise by up to 50 cm. Increasing temperatures also trigger increased rainfall during the dry season in Asia. As a result, the affected areas at risk more often hit by tropical storms and floods. (
Hundreds of hectares of plantation land in the District Sukatani, left abandoned. Land, owned by two large companies from Jakarta. With such conditions, Purwakarta Regency through related agencies would recommend, that the right to cultivate (HGU) of the two companies are revoked.
I hope my writing can give a picture of what you would do to save the world.

Simple trick to abort the pregnancy.

I do not intend to recommend abortion to anyone, to strengthen believers in free sex ... just sharing how to launch a menstrual by using the traditional way with fruits.
And for pregnant women to be careful eating this fruit!
Pineapple raw / immature.
In the gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This could trigger a recurrence of rheumatic gout.
Ripe pineapple fruits contain high sugar content. So, for people with diabetes, should not consume excessive pineapple.
Pineapple can cause itching. Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid this, before eating, soak the pineapple chunks with salt water

Papaya raw / immature.
for women who are often sick during menstruation, eating pineapple and papaya fruit will be very helpful especially the immature. But for pregnant women should be a really good and ripe, in addition to his health as well as for the baby health.
Our ancestors used this fruit to abort the pregnancy. simple trick that is, both the fruit is shredded and then mixed with yeast.
after mixed well and then drink the juice every morning.

Say no to free sex to prevent AIDS.
Do abortion in a medical cause and 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Simple tricks to build website

We may often or ever heard about css and html, css and html is the material used to build a website.
To make a page look pretty and very neat, codes css and html is to be used. And you might take a long time to learn it, also need to choose a place to learn and teachers the right.
Autodidact also may not be too difficult as long as you have plenty of time and money. try making just one blog with a template, then select the design on the dashboard, then select the tab edit html .... That's the codes that you can change to make your blog look pretty and charming.
if you do not know css and html you can log into blogger, there are many templates with css and html code that is different. All the templates you can learn and understand, then you try to change one template the blogger.
I give examples like the following:

Eliminate copyright
Enter the CSS code below the above code ]]></ b: skin>
# Attribution1 {height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none}

Remove subscribe to: post comments (atomic) or Subscribe to: Posts (atom)
See you place the code below just above the ]]></ b: skin>
. feed-links {display: none;}

Eliminate Navbar
Copy the following script into the head tag
# navbar-iframe {display: none! important;}
for example as follows:
Blogger Template Style
Name: Son of Moto (Mean Green Blogging Machine variation)
Designer: Jeffrey Zeldman
Date: February 23, 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- * /
# navbar-iframe {display: none! important;}
/ * Variable definitions

Changing blogger icon
<link href='' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>

To Eliminate New Post Link
1. Find the following code:
# blog-pager-newer-link {float: left;}
2. Replace the code above with the code below:
# blog-pager-newer-link {display: none;}
3. Save Template

To Eliminate the Old Post Link
1. Find the following code:
# blog-pager-older-link {float: right; padding-right: 5px;}
2. Replace with the following code:
# blog-pager-older-link {display: none;}
3. Save your template

To eliminate Home
1. Find the following code:
# blog-pager {text-align: center;}
2. Replace with the following code:
# blog-pager {display: none;

Friday, April 29, 2011

Simple tricks to boost your stamina

In my other post (simple tricks to boost your sex) coffee have enough role, and in this post also has a role no less important.
The benefits of coffee can relieve sleepiness, just the story for me.
But it was different again when I met new friends, she likes to play cards from 7 pm till 3 o'clock or 4 o'clock in the morning. At 8 am he had to work until 4 pm and then he was back playing cards at 6 or 7 pm until morning. Almost every day activities like that ... truly incredible stamina!
Until now almost 1.5 years I knew him and he wants to tell secrets to boost stamina and I just remembered now. "hahaha ... this is not a secret, anyone can know" he said when I asked for permission to be published in this article.
These are the ingredients:
  • Pure coffee (powder)
  • Egg yolk (duck eggs better)

  1. Insert a teaspoon of pure ground coffee into a glass.
  2. Insert also the yolk into a glass.
  3. Mix the two ingredients before.
  4. After the two ingredients were mixed, add enough hot water then stir again.
  5. Drink a potion before work.

Congratulations, you are a new superman!

A raw egg yolk contains the following nutrients:
Cholesterol of egg yolk
One drawback of cholesterol is their high cholesterol content. So, people suffering from high cholesterol levels have no choice but to stay away from these foodstuffs. There is no doubt that egg yolk is loaded with cholesterol but people having healthy cholesterol levels can consume 1 egg yolk daily. According to books published on 1 egg yolk nutrition facts, 1 raw egg yolk contains around 210 mg of cholesterol. Being full of cholesterol, one should not consume more than one raw or boiled egg everyday.
Protein of egg yolk
An easy way to boost protein intake during lunch or breakfast, is to have egg yolk. Protein in egg yolk is found in appreciable amounts, hence eating eggs is considered good for health. As it is a good source of protein, it can certainly help to keep health in good shape. 1 egg yolk can supply approximately 2.7 gm of protein. So, considering its protein content, egg yolk nutrition value is certainly high.
Calcium of egg yolk
Egg yolk is also a good source of calcium. Including calcium in the diet is essential to keep the bones healthy and strong. If you consume 1 egg yolk in your breakfast, your body gains around 22 mg of calcium. So, one can say that calcium is found significantly in egg yolk.
Phosphorus of egg yolk
Going through egg yolk nutrition facts, one won't be disappointed to read phosphorus levels in 1 egg yolk. This is because 1 raw egg yolk provides about 66.3 mg of phosphorus.
Carbohydrates of egg yolk
Egg yolk is also a good source of energy as 1 egg yolk is loaded with 0.61 g of carbohydrates.
Amino Acids of egg yolk
Raw egg yolk is also an excellent source of amino acids like leutin and xeaxanthin that can help to prevent development of different types of cancer.
Fats of egg yolk
One raw egg yolk contains 4.51 g of fat. The unhealthy fat content is found to be 1.624 g but the good news is that it also has 'good' fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) in good amounts. So, out of the total fat content (4.51 mg), the good fats contained in raw egg yolk is around 2.75 g. Another important constituent of raw egg yolk are healthy fats such as omega 3 essential fatty acids (38.8 mg) that ensure a healthy heart.
Potassium of egg yolk
Potassium deficiency that puts a person in the risk zone of high blood pressure, can certainly be avoided by having egg yolk at meal times. 1 fresh raw egg yolk contains approximately 19 mg of potassium.
Selenium of egg yolk
Selenium that behaves like an antioxidant, is also present in egg yolk. Increased level of selenium in the blood reduces the probability of suffering from dreaded diseases like skin and prostrate cancer. Studies show that selenium content in raw egg yolk is approximately 9.5 mcg.
Iron of egg yolk
Egg yolks are also fortified with iron that can help to prevent iron deficiency anemia in children and adults. To increase blood iron levels that provide a wide range of health benefits, egg yolk is definitely a good choice. It is found that a raw egg yolk contains around 0.4 mg of iron.
Egg Yolk Calories
How much calories does 1 raw egg yolk contain? Egg yolk is considered to have a high calorie content that mainly comes from fats. A raw egg yolk supplies around 55-60 calories. Read more on how many calories in an egg.
Vitamins of egg yolk
Although vitamin C is not present in egg yolk, the good thing as mentioned in egg yolk nutrition facts is that it contains vitamin B12 and vitamin E in significant amounts. A raw egg yolk is said to have 0.331 mcg of vitamin B12 and 0.684 mg of vitamin E. Vitamin A content is also noteworthy (245 IU) and therefore consumption of egg yolk can protect eyes from age related disorders. However, vitamin B6 and vitamin K content is found to be less, which is around 0.1 mg and 0.1 mcg respectively.

Simple tricks to boost your sex.

This is the easiest and most inexpensive way to boost your sex power

This experience happened about 2 years ago when I had just recovered cough and flu, when I have sex. Usually I can play 3 to 5 minutes in the first round and much much longer in the next round, but at that moment I only play a few seconds only and a few seconds on the next round ... was disappointing and very embarrassing!
Then I consulted with the doctor and the doctor said it happened because of drugs I take for colds and coughs, "do not worry, you'll like the original if the effect of the medicine is gone" he said.
After that incident I had the idea to make their own potions to restore my sex stamina, with little capital referral I started making potions and of course the only herb that is easy and simple.
After two days consuming but the result is very surprising, very long time I could make love to my wife's body convulsed and twitched enjoyed it.
At the time and even then thought about to use products such as Viagra, cialist, levitra or similar product, but my money is not enough.
If you are curious and want to try it, here's the ingredients:

  • Strengthen stamina.
  • Inhibit cancer.
  • Inhibit diabetes.
  • Efficacious for the treatment of liver.
  • Overcome anemia.
  • Increase stamina and strengthen the body.
  • Prevent rheumatic diseases.
  • Overcome a sense of tension and excessive stress.
  • Reduce interference menopause.
  • Prevent the occurrence of disease that often affects adults.
  • Eliminate fatigue after activity.
  • Enhance brain function and intelligence.
  • Improve the functioning of the stomach.
  • Heal frigid.
  • Activate the nerve.

According to Harvard Women's Health, the consumption of several cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, the formation of kidney stones, colon cancer, Parkinson's disease, liver damage (cirrhosis), heart disease and prevent cognitive decline in brain power.
  •  Diabetes. Twenty studies conducted around the world shows that coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50%. The researchers speculate that the cause is chlorogenic acid in coffee act to slow the absorption of sugar in the digestive tract. Chlorogenic acid also stimulates the formation of GLP-1, a chemical that increases insulin (the hormone that regulates the absorption of sugar into the cells.) Other substances in coffee that is trigonelin (pro-vitamin B3) is also thought to help slow the absorption of glucose.
  • Cancer. Research has consistently shown that coffee reduces the risk of liver cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.
  • Cirrhosis. Coffee protects the liver from cirrhosis, particularly cirrhosis due to alcoholism.
  •  Parkinson's Disease. The coffee drinkers have a risk of Parkinson's half lower than those who do not drink coffee.
  • Heart disease and stroke. Coffee consumption does not increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Contrast, coffee actually slightly reduce the risk of stokes. A study of more than 83,000 women over the age of 24 years showed those who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a risk of stroke by 19% lower than those who do not drink coffee. Studies of a number of men in Finland showed similar results.
  • Cognitive function. A study of 4197 women and 2820 men in France showed that drinking at least three cups of coffee a day can prevent decline in cognitive function due to aging of the brain up to 33 percent in women. However, the same benefits not found in men. This may be because women are more sensitive to kafein.http: / /

Vitamin c 1000 mg
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is very important in the body.
Vitamin C is also required by other enzymes in the gather and filter toxins and pollutants like lead in your body. Right now the impact of environmental pollution is almost impossible to avoid. The faster the poison out of the body, the less damage they can. Your best protection is a high dose of vitamin C.
Other powerful antioxidants such as vitamin E and antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione need Vitamin C to be able to perform its function properly.

  1. Boil ginger until boiling, then use the water for brewing coffee.
  2. If you do not have the raw ginseng, you can buy the extract and put it in coffee.
  3. Take vitamin c 1000 mg while you drink ginseng coffee.
  4. Consumption at breakfast.

You're ready to do battle tonight.
Good fight!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Simple Adobe Photoshop

1. Giving glamorous effect to your picture
  • Open the background transparent P N G images.
  • Open a new layer with the background color ( either white, black, blue or other colors up to you! )
  • Make a few dots with the brush tool (use whatever color is different from the background layer)
  • Dots should look random position also with different sizes, different opacity and different effects
  • See the results!

2. Making a sculpture from your picture
  • Open your image (P N G  file) with transparent background.
  • Open the image texture (the texture of stone, wall, iron or whatever you think is good)
  • press C T R L + layer1 (your photo) + layer2 (image texture).
  • Then click the Add vector mask.
  • Look ... Your picture has changed!

3. Make a G I F file with A d o b e P h o t o s h o p
As we know G I F is a moving image file, and how to make it as simple as you create another file. Create this file can use a variety of software that I'm sure your familiar with, or at least you've ever heard ... and here I'll make an example with A d o b e P h o t o s h o p.
Consider the following simple trick:

Simple Trick To win lottery

2d/3d/4d or Pick 4

Many people who make this game formula and you may even have created them, if you feel the formula you have created (or formula that you imitate someone else) was very difficult and tortuous also often missed (of course you lose )..... you can see my tricks here!
Before I explain my trick, I will give you tips to win this game :
  1. spending plans for 10 times bet, if the value of your bet of $ 50 on every round, then you should have a budget of $ 500 (depending on the amount of your bet in one round, just multiplied by 10).
  2. Select a place to bet that provide great discounts and gifts (of course, that you really believe).
  3. Do not rush in to raise the stakes. if present value is $ 1/ticket, then to raise the bet to $ 2/ticket you have to wait until the accumulated victories (budget) you reach $ 1000.
  4. Do not ever believe the predictions accurate figures, which should you believe is the accuracy of the method you are playing.
  5. Do not ever intend to beat the bookies, to die no matter you could never do it ... Grab a profit from the bookies.
If you already know the 5 points that convey the above, we will start winning 4d_game simple tricks.
We agree that the 4d is always out 4 digits in each round (e.g game in 4d), it means 4d = 1234 .... 3d = 234 ....2d=34.

Oops ... one more I forgot about the structure of 4d numbers like this:
The last number we call the tail, the third number we call the head, the second number we call the letterhead, the first number we call as.
Here's the trick
  1. Do not ever determine accurate guesses.
  2. Create a method to turn off the number (the method that you create and you prefer)
  3. Draw conclusions, how many times you win a game method in 10 rounds?
  4. Bet on the numbers from all the rest that you turn off
  5. If you lose in the round now, so in the next round you have to raise the value of your bet doubled
  6. By running this trick you will win every round of games and prizes based on the value of your bet.

That trick won the 4d game ...... Responsibly gaming and have a nice time!
email me :

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Simple Trick to Cure Hemorrhoid.

If you think need to be costly and complicated operation to cure hemorrhoid then you missed estimates.
let's see what the hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs in the anus in which the lip had swollen anus is sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Hemorrhoid disease is not only give pain to the sufferer, but also provide a sense of self-conscious and embarrassed by this disease.
There are 2 types of hemorrhoids are external hemorrhoids (haemorrhoid external) and hemorrhoids in the (internal haemorrhoid). External hemorrhoids covered by skin and can not be entered. So, there's always outside, does not always cause complaints and cause bleeding. Hemorrhoids in the mucous membrane covered by the stage 1 of bleeding during bowel movements, no pain and fresh blood (fresh red color); at stage 2, hemorrhoids out and log back in without driven (not always of bleeding); on stage 3 hemorrhoids out and should be returned to the drive of the hand, while on stage 4 hemorrhoids out and could not be included, usually accompanied by pain.
Who would have thought that a red tomato and coconut oil can be a cure for this annoying?
you should consider is coconut oil, if not ripe it will be dangerous.
if the amino acids contained in tomatoes combined with a compound in coconut milk then it will be toxic, so coconut oil should be completely cooked so that the coconut milk becomes completely lost.
The following simple ways to make coconut oil:

  • Take a coconut which is really old.
  • Coconut should be shredded or blended to make coconut milk.
  • Which has grated coconut mixed with enough water and stirred.
  • Then squeezed with a filter to separate from the waste coconut milk.
  • Prepare a frying pan over medium heat, then enter the coconut milk.
  • Boil coconut milk until it becomes oil.
  • Oil will be golden brown and the waste will be dark brown, it was a sign is ripe and clean.
  • Separate the oil from the waste and save.
  • Pulp coconut oil can be used as food because it tastes so delicious, or used as a cake with a variety of forms.
You can eat tomatoes and the oil at the same time, two times a day in the morning and night (before sleeping and waking)

  • This oil should not be applied directly, there are similar cases cause swelling and bleeding.
  • This alternative medicine has not been tested clinically, but has been proven and you can see or hear much testimony about this.