If you think need to be costly and complicated operation to cure hemorrhoid then you missed estimates.
let's see what the hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs in the anus in which the lip had swollen anus is sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Hemorrhoid disease is not only give pain to the sufferer, but also provide a sense of self-conscious and embarrassed by this disease.
There are 2 types of hemorrhoids are external hemorrhoids (haemorrhoid external) and hemorrhoids in the (internal haemorrhoid). External hemorrhoids covered by skin and can not be entered. So, there's always outside, does not always cause complaints and cause bleeding. Hemorrhoids in the mucous membrane covered by the stage 1 of bleeding during bowel movements, no pain and fresh blood (fresh red color); at stage 2, hemorrhoids out and log back in without driven (not always of bleeding); on stage 3 hemorrhoids out and should be returned to the drive of the hand, while on stage 4 hemorrhoids out and could not be included, usually accompanied by pain.
Who would have thought that a red tomato and coconut oil can be a cure for this annoying?
you should consider is coconut oil, if not ripe it will be dangerous.
if the amino acids contained in tomatoes combined with a compound in coconut milk then it will be toxic, so coconut oil should be completely cooked so that the coconut milk becomes completely lost.
The following simple ways to make coconut oil:
- Take a coconut which is really old.
- Coconut should be shredded or blended to make coconut milk.
- Which has grated coconut mixed with enough water and stirred.
- Then squeezed with a filter to separate from the waste coconut milk.
- Prepare a frying pan over medium heat, then enter the coconut milk.
- Boil coconut milk until it becomes oil.
- Oil will be golden brown and the waste will be dark brown, it was a sign is ripe and clean.
- Separate the oil from the waste and save.
- Pulp coconut oil can be used as food because it tastes so delicious, or used as a cake with a variety of forms.
- This oil should not be applied directly, there are similar cases cause swelling and bleeding.
- This alternative medicine has not been tested clinically, but has been proven and you can see or hear much testimony about this.
Very useful article about hemorrhoid disease, so help me who are looking for information about hemorrhoid disease .. I will cite a few, please visit my blog also http://obatnyaambeien.com/
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