Saturday, September 3, 2011

Simple trick to fresh your life

Fresh your life with basil.

Basil in Indonesia named botanical Ocimum basillicum. because growth of shrubs, grouped in groups of bush

In India and parts of Africa, infusion "of basil tea" is commonly steeping tea leaves served replace the original. Drinks are usually presented at the change of seasons, when the susceptible coughs, colds, or fevers.
Unlike in Europe, where basil is refined and taken the oil. Essential oils of basil are widely used as a compound manufacture of drugs or for treatments such as soap, prickly perfume, body lotion, ointment, candy lozenges, and also aromatherapy oils.
According to the "List of Food Composition" Directorate Nutrition Department Health, including basil-rich vegetable provitamin A. Each 100 g 5000 SI basil leaves contained vitamin A. Another plus, basil including vegetables that contain lots of minerals calcium and phosphorus, as many as 45 and 75 mg per 100 g of basil leaves.
If we encounter problems with body odor, bad breath,or milk jam, can be overcome by familiarizing yourself
eating salad.fresh basil. Alternatively, drink juice of basil leaves that have been mashed together beluntas leaves and turmeric leaf. In the book "A Dictionary of Practical Medical Materials ", John Henry M. mentions, basil leaf extract efficacious cure diarrhea, breast tenderness, stone kidney, disorders of the vagina, and can also overcome albuminaria, namely the concentration of albumin in the urine.
According to a team of researchers from the Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Purdue University,
USA, basil proven to cure headaches, colds, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal worms, and kidney disorders.
They also suggested the efficacy of treatment with basil leaves,which can cope with heartburn, flatulence,
colds, seizures, and lethargic body. In addition, the aroma of basil can be rejected mosquito bites.
Since time immemorial, basil oil is distilled to extract taken. John Henry classify as essential oils of
basil oil high. That is, the scent of basil soon disappear after 24 hours applied to body. For comparison, the
category of essential oils are, will be lost smeared flavor after 3 days, whereas the category of  essential oils
low, the aroma is lost after a week. Essential oils of basil can be used for aroma therapy massage for basil essential oils can relieve and refresh the body. However, Pregnant women are prohibited from using it because it feared could cause a miscarriage.
In addition, basil oil merit overcome digestive disorders such as indigestion, vomiting, intestinal infections, stomach ulcers, as well as gas in the intestines. Also, disorders of the head (such as ear pain, fever, nasal pain, migraine), muscle disorders (spasms or cramps),and neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, hysteria, nervous weakness, insomnia).
For men, there are also benefits of basil. Compounds 1-8 sineol in basil can overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Fenkhona apigenin and eugenol was able to facilitate the erection. While the substance arginine contained in the basil can strengthen the vitality of sperm and prevent infertility.
As for women, including healthy eating basil very useful. Basil anetol and boron-rich compounds that stimulate hormone estrogen, whereas eugenolnya compound can kill the fungi that cause whitish. Stigmaasterol substances in basil stimulates cell maturation egg (ovulation), tannin, and tin reduce the secretion of vaginal fluids. Substances could delay monopause tryptophan. Basil is not a vegetable usual, so do not underestimate the basil.

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